Saturday, January 15, 2011


This was my figure few weeks or months I stepped in Dubai. Most people I know in this country always tell that if you don’t have “belbel” you’re out! Entering the world of CMS (“my current workplace”) is a combination of a perfect environment and stress free working atmosphere, I mean to say in a sense of having a cool and friendly colleagues in a diversified races (Indian, Nepal, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Filipino most specially). Plus God’s bonus… he provided a good boss.

You know what I really enjoy most??? When the clock set at 12:30... It's a long wait we all have been waiting for! This is the time to enjoy food by sharing what we have. The time we have sharing our opinions, simple life stories and most of the times chismax…(hehehe)We're like one HAPPY FAM!!!(This is what I'm gonna miss) You couldn’t even notice that you already had enough food intake.

Today it made me feel conscious after weighing myself. It made me stress and started thinking on how to lose weight. Should I stop eating too much rice…. Now I feel the pressure it’s like a paranoia. I started surfing the net how to get rid of fats. But What To Do Yani??? Devils are everywhere. I wish I could eliminate eating chokies and other sinful foods.

But the BIG ? is ARE U IN or OUT???

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